Saturday 12 September 2015

The fall of Aztec

The Azetcs were a great civilisation who lived in large parts of Mesoamerica now Mexico.
Their capital was Tenochtitlan(now the location of Mexico City), situated on  Lake Texcoco. The Aztec Empire was a tribute empire, which extended its power throughout Mesoamerica. It originated in 1427 as a triple-alliance between the city-states TenochtitlanTexcoco and Tlacopan who allied to defeat the Tepanec state of Azcapotzalco. The greatest ruler of the Aztec empire was The Moctezuma II. He united the Mexico basin. But downfall of the Aztecs came because of him.
Hernán Cortés a Spanish Conquistador, had heard about big cities made up of gold and gems arrived on the Mexico soil and executed a successful strategy of allying with some indigenous people against others. He used a native woman, Doña Marina, as an interpreter. He was a fugitive, punished for mutiny against the king who ran away and came to the mexico basin. 
As Aztecs had never seen people with yellow hair, white skin and horses, Moctezuma thought  Hernán Cortés as the sun god and thus invited him to his city Tenochtitlan. The Spanish seized this opportunity and captured Moctezuma and ruled through him for months, raiding the big temples, scratching the gold from the walls and melting the gold idols.
Cortés left Tenochtitlan to return to the coast and deal with the expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez, he left his trusted men in charge .His men allowed a significant Aztec feast to be celebrated in Tenochtitlan and closed off the square and massacred the celebrating Aztec noblemen.This massacre at the Main Temple of Tenochtitlan precipitated rebellion by the population of the city. When the captured emperor Moctezuma II, now seen as a mere puppet of the invading Spaniards, attempted to calm the outraged populace, he was killed by a projectile. Cortés, who by then had returned to Tenochtitlan, and his men had to fight their way out of the capital city . However, the Spanish and Tlaxcalans returned with reinforcements and a siege led to the fall of Tenochtitlan a year later on August 13, 1521.
After that almost all the Aztec people died because of poor living conditions or diseases brought by the Spaniards.
Greed of one civilisation led to the fall and death of the other civilisation.

Saturday 5 September 2015


Jack the Ripper, murderer of at least five women, all prostitutes, in or near the Whitechapel district of London’s East End between August and November 1888. The case is one of the most famous unsolved mysteries of English crime. The name "Jack the Ripper" originated in a letter written by someone claiming to be the murderer that was widely disseminated in the media. Jack the Ripper used to cut throats of his victims prior to abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to proposals that Jack  possessed surgical knowledge. Jack the Ripper murdered 5 women naming  Mary Ann, Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly, they are called the canonical five.
Nichols was not missing any organs, Chapman's uterus was taken, Eddowes had her uterus and a kidney removed and her face mutilated and Kelly's body was eviscerated and her face hacked away, though only her heart was missing from the crime scene.
Other than these 11 murders are linked with Jack the Ripper.
The surviving police files on the these murders shed some light on this case. A large team of policemen conducted house-to-house enquiries throughout Whitechapel. Forensic material was collected and examined. Suspects were identified, traced and either examined more closely or eliminated from the enquiry. More than 2,000 people were interviewed, "upwards of 300" people were investigated, and 80 people were detained.
Though Jack the Ripper was never caught there are many conspiracies related to the identity of Jack the Ripper.
According to some theories Walter Sickert a renowned painter of that time was a curious candidate for these murders, and mainly falls to the fact that Sickert had made sketches and paintings of the Ripper crimes that were quite accurate.
According to a theory given by then police officer Inspector Abberline Jack wasn’t ‘Jack’ at all, but in fact, a woman, Jill the Ripper !!

According to an another theory Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale the grandson of Queen Victoria was the Jack the Ripper. He went mad when he discovered he had syphilis and hence went on a killing spree. Killings stopped at the same time when he went  to a mental institution.
Well we will never know the true identity of the this mad serial killer.

Friday 4 September 2015


In December of 1937, the Japanese Imperial Army marched into China's capital city of Nanking and proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. The six weeks of carnage is known as the Rape of Nanking.
After finally defeating the Chinese at Shanghai in November, 50,000 Japanese soldiers then marched on toward Nanking. Unlike the troops at Shanghai, Chinese soldiers at Nanking were poorly led and loosely organised. Although they greatly outnumbered the Japanese and had plenty of ammunition, they withered under the ferocity of the Japanese attack, then engaged in a chaotic retreat. After just four days of fighting, Japanese troops smashed into the city on December 13, 1937, with orders issued to "kill all captives." Their first concern was to eliminate any threat from the 90,000 Chinese soldiers who surrendered. Many were beaten to death by Japanese soldiers, others were simply mowed down by machine-gun fire , tied-up, soaked with gasoline and burned alive.
After killing Chinese soldiers, the Japanese soldiers turned their attention to the women of Nanking. Old women over the age of 70 as well as little girls under the age of 8 were dragged off to be sexually abused. More than 20,000 females (with some estimates as high as 80,000) were gang-raped by Japanese soldiers, then stabbed to death with bayonets or shot so they could never bear witness.
Even pregnant women were not spared. In several instances, they were raped, then had their bellies slit open and the foetuses torn out. Sometimes, after storming into a house and encountering a whole family, the Japanese forced Chinese men to rape their own daughters, sons to rape their mothers, and brothers their sisters, while the rest of the family was made to watch.
Throughout the city of Nanking, random acts of murder occurred as soldiers frequently fired their rifles into panicked crowds of civilians, killing indiscriminately. Young or old, male or female, anyone could be shot on a whim by any Japanese soldier for any reason. Corpses could be seen everywhere throughout the city. The streets of Nanking were said to literally have run red with blood.
Those who were not killed on the spot were taken to the outskirts of the city and forced to dig their own graves. Other times, the Japanese forced the Chinese to bury each other alive in the dirt.
This incredible carnage continued unabated for about six weeks, from mid-December 1937 through the beginning of February 1938.

But according to some theories this massacre never happened. It was a false propaganda spread by Chinese Nationalists and Communists for their political purposes. Well who knows whats the truth.


Witch-Hunt refers to search of people who perform witchcraft or are labelled as witches.
Labelling of women as witches and burning them is being done since the times of Egyptian civilisation. But it became more prominent in medieval ages in Europe. Witch Hunt used to happen in South Asia and Africa also but it was at its peak in Europe.
Witch-Hunt intensified in 1400's. As women were a weaker sex, it was considered that they were more prone to Devil's temptation.
During this period the ideas of feminism were growing in the minds of the women. Women started to demand a equal status in the society. They started to break the society's boundaries. The church got alarmed and scared. They started a witch-hunt all across the Europe and started labelling women witches who had these feminism ideas. About 35,000 to 1,00,000 women were executed during this period.
Church could go to such levels to consolidate their power in Europe.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Lord Shani

Lord Shani (Shani Dev) is 
the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu Astrology, he is also one of the most worshipped god in the hindu mythology.
Lord Shani is son of Lord Surya and his wife Chhaya, hence also known as Chayyaputra. He is the elder brother of Yamaraj, the Hindu god of death.Lord Shani gives the results of one's deeds through one's life through appropriate punishments and rewards. He is depicted dark in colour, clothed in black; holding a sword, arrows and two daggers and mounted on a crow or vulture.
Legend has it when Lord Shani opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun went into an eclipse. As Lord Shani was black in colour, Lord Surya doubted Chhaya. As Lord Surya insulted Chhaya, Lord Shani was very angry with his father. This is the main reason why Lord Shani doesn't have a good relationship with his father.
Lord Shani had a very arrogant, stubborn and rigid nature. During his childhood he once had a fight with Lord Yamaraj and injured his foot, that's why he is lame and SANISCHARA(slow-mover).
Since his childhood Lord Shani was a keen devotee of Lord Krishna. His father Lord Surya married him to Sangya , but he used to always remain absorbed in the deep thoughts of Lord Krishna. One day, his wife came to him, after having taken a bath from her mensuration period, at that time Lord Shani was deeply absorbed in the deep thoughts of Lord Krishna.He didn’t even care to take a glance at his wife. His wife got angry and cursed him, “You may not be able to look at someone in future, and your sight would remain ever downward. Whomsoever you will look at, he would be ruined away." Now whenever he looks at a person, he is struck  by bad luck (SAADESATI).

A very interesting story related to Ravana and Lord Shani.
Ravana was very powerful, he had created havoc on earth and won both hell and heaven. He even captured all the 7 planets. To show off his mighty power and insult the seven planets he used to sit on his throne by walking on the backs of the seven planets. One day Lord Narad came to Ravana's palace. He saw how the seven planets were being insulted, so he asked Lord Shani that Ravana is a sinner then why he is not punishing him , he said that to punish him he has to look at him and as he is on his back he cannot do so. So Lord Narad asks Ravana " If you really want to insult them then why don't you walk on their chests and see the pain and shame in their eyes". Ravana liked the idea and asked the 7 planets to lay on their backs, as Lord Shani laid on his back he saw Ravana and his saadesati started on that very moment, then Ravana kidnapped sita, Lord Rama attacked him and he lost the war and died. All this happened in the period of seven years.


 Hannibal Barca, was a Punic Carthaginian military commander, who is  considered as one of the greatest military commanders in history.
 At age 26, Hannibal was given command of an army and he immediately set out to consolidate Carthaginian control of Iberia.
His father Hamilcar Barca was insulted by the Romans. He wanted to take revenge from the Romans, but knew it was very difficult to attack Rome, so he crossed the Pyrenees with an army of 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry and 37 elephants; next, he crossed the river Rhône , ferrying his elephants across the water on large rafts. Thence, by a heroic effort, made difficult by autumn snow and guerrilla attacks, he crossed the Alps. In October 218, 38,000 soldiers and 8,000 cavalry and only one elephant had reached the plains along the river Po in the vicinity of the Italian town Turin. With Gauls who inhabited the plains along the Po he defeated the roman army.
For 4 years he was in Italy fighting with the Romans. He didn't get much help from his hometown and Romans had attacked Carthage, so he went back to defend his motherland.
 In approximately 183 B.C he consumed poison and died.
Salute to the courage, patients and belief of this great commander who crossed alps with 60,000 people and animals to attack Rome .

Dron's son Ashwatthama

Ashwatthama, also called Drauni, the only son of Dronacharya was born after many years of severe penance to Lord Shiva. Ashvatthama was born...